Whangarei Dream from Tomas Marin on Vimeo.
After 4 years as a family, this holidays are our very first conventional holiday as a traditional family, that means we got payed to chill. First time in our lives that we are working at the same time for more than a year, before our work situation was intermittent, or I was working and not Tomi or Tomi was working and not me…so we had to afford our holidays in a very hippie and limited way, that doesn´t mean that our new years weren't epic!…but this time was different, we didn`t have to worry about money, just rest after one year of hard work and learned how to live with a mini human who depends 100% of us. Even if we spent the new year countdown by putting Baltazar back to sleep since he woke up just 5 minutes before the countdown, was very relaxing and peaceful. The perfect holidays. Let see when and how finish this conventional way of family… hahha xx
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