Yesterday we were doing with Baltazar some yoga postures hehehe.
We have gone to some yoga kids classes but he is still to small and he moves a we will wait a little bit more, but in the meantime we are practicing at home, seems to be on track...
Yestarday me and your dad were watching this video that he made for you when you were a newly born. How quickly pass the time, now you are 18 month and you are not a little baby anymore, I would love to have you in my arms again, you were the best baby we might have had and now you are the best child that we can have! Little by little we see how you develop your personality and we love it! Sometimes we get a little crazy though, but we love that you are a child that enjoy the life to the fullest! because as your dad says you're active 24 hours even when you are sleeping..hahah, we love too when you don't like your food and there is nothing that will change your resolution.. as a good virgo ..and so many little things that make you our favorite child ... we love you to infinity! your dad and mum...
This is the moment when limits are open
...I want these words kiss your eyes,
that the soles of your feet
caress the ground where they alight,
that your body draw in the air sacred labyrinths.
Nothing is useless, everything is useful for something,
everything is a search that can only end
when we become what we seek.
The philosopher becomes the truth.
the artist becomes the beauty,
the swimmer becomes the water,
the poet opens a door in his poem.
that a dawn be able to flood your memory,
that the bones of your skull be covered of sacred words
that instead of money you exchange white butterflies.
On Sunday we had a photo shooting, the three of us!
Was about our weeding. They will use the photos in a cook book.
They look much much better than this, this is just the back stage.
I could not take one of tomi:( He looked so handsome!
So we practically got married again! very close to our anniversary by the way! which is tomorrow!
Because Baltazar has been having tantrums from time to time, we were concerned that the photo shoot would be a disaster ... but he behaved very very very good, was sitting quietly for 1 hour and then he acted of marvels!
So I confirm what I read in a book about tantrums: Do not think that your child could end up having a tantrum. Thinking about it makes you just have a bad time, because then your child may behave perfectly, as it was.
Seems by the photos that I got married with Baltazar! ahahah
He love his new scooter! He still needs help, but it seems that he will learn fast ... of course we will get a helmet!
He wanted to play in the big boys game
ohhhhhhh maaaaamaaaaa!
Enjoying doing acrobatics
He likes physical challenges hehehe
A new snack! Healthy, delicious and clean!
I recently acquired a super powerful powder made of many greens, so I put just a teaspoon to his daily water bottle. Not much flavor so he drink without problem ... it's the best! so I do not worry too much if he doesn't want to eat his vegetables during the day. You can buy it from online retailers. They call it green.
Since Baltazar started the daycare I've been collecting many many paintings that Baltazar has been doing,but they have remained in the drawer, without any appreciation, so I decided to make two large posters combining many of his paintings
Here the result, is not a true artist?
Paint N1 Los Meninos
Paint N2 Paleolithic Time
I remember the words that Baltazar said when I asked about his work, he said: "Agua" (Water). Such a great artist!
This last weeken was very normal and calm, nothing exciting which is good sometimes.
oh! on Sunday I had my first market selling my Dreamcatchers, was good, not too much people because was raining but very cool experience, we definitely gonna do market again the next time.
Here some pictures from the weekend.
He loves the big dogs!
nana so yummy!
nana with sand so much better!
Cleaning day at the cafe!
Our stand in Devonport Market with my dear friend Carla she's very good working on fabric
3 years ago we came to NZ as backpackers. Eager to travel and live new experiences. For me was more a choice that I took because I just wanted to try something new and exciting, for tomi was more a personal journey, he needed calm far from the friends, family and the noisy city, to focus on him. I think in secret each of us felt that this trip would not be just a holidays, maybe that why we cried a lot in each farewell that our friends made. Was very hard leave our friends, at those days they were very important part of our lifes, our lifes revolved around them, they still are but in a different way of course. We spent incredible times between bbq, gigs or sometimes just hanging out with them. But something organic took us to take this route. Many things happened on the way, many good and cool stuff and many difficult and hard too, therefore we have learned a lot, new ways of thinking and new ways of understand the world. I am not sure if I want to be here forever or much time, I miss a lot, but I know too that I have to be where my family feels better, the three of us, for now is here. Well after all this we come back, we are very nervous and anxious, it feels weird see all this friends that we left and find them maybe different maybe the same, I don't know...I want to show them Baltazar how he is and how funny and cute he is! I start to count the days to see the people that make our life much better and special even if we are far from each other. See you soon my dear friends!